Les dialogueur.euse.x.s — 2024
Club 44, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland / DISPLAY, Marie DuPasquier
Exhibition : Sept 21, 2024 – Jan 31, 2025
Au départ, il y a une liste de tissus avec mention de tende « opalina » retrouvée au détour de repérages. Avec son papier légèrement défraichi et son logo intemporel, la note indique une collaboration entre la designeuse-textile italienne Renata Bonfanti et l’architecte Angelo Mangiarotti pour les nouveaux intérieurs du Club 44. Cette pièce d’archive, a priori de moindre valeur en regard d’autres documents tels que plans ou contrats, n’en est pas moins une composante de cette histoire : celle des relations entre l’Italie du Nord et La Chaux-de-Fonds des années 1950-1960 sur fond d’effervescence novatrice, celle des liens entre les représentants de différents corps de métier considérant l’espace, la lumière, les aménagements et les pièces de design comme un ensemble cohérent[1]. La note nous informe sur les étoffes choisies pour les rideaux du Club 44 mais elle soulève aussi des questions et évoque les lacunes de connaissance inhérentes aux documents préservés.
Anna Meschiari s’installe justement dans ces brèches. Elle travaille avec les trames narratives existantes autant qu’avec leurs coupures et les ellipses formées par le temps, pour leur potentiel de projections, de fantaisies et d’ouverture de possibles conjectures. L’artiste s’infiltre dans les archives du Club 44 et s’empare des lieux avec son installation Les dialogueur.euse.x.s. Elle articule œuvre textile et murale, pièce sonore, archives papier et audiovisuelle. Elle ne comble pas mais recompose.
De longues toiles fines suspendues à 6 mètres de haut par l’artiste parent le pourtour de la salle. Des rideaux habillent les grandes baies vitrées du bâtiment depuis son origine en 1912 et ont été imprégnés par les paroles de près de 2800 conférences et assurent encore aujourd’hui la continuité fluide entre intérieur et extérieur. L’artiste se réapproprie cette « doublure »[2] de l’architecture alors que la texture et les tonalités se démarquent de celles de l’environnement direct. Son nuancier se distancie de la Polychromie Architecturale[3] investiguée pour se rapprocher de teintes éclectiques, élaborées à partir d’acryliques terreuses à acides, adoucies par dilution. Les 30 mètres de toile à beurre d’Anna Meschiari et l’apparition en contre-jour d’un code répété en sérigraphie rejouent les apparences industrielles. Pourtant, les tentures semblent porteuses d’une nouvelle intimité et redéfinissent la substance de cet intérieur.
« 010000X010010000000…». Une écoute attentive permet de distinguer le code avant qu’il ne se fonde parmi les voix de la pièce sonore diffusée, avant qu’il ne se mue en entité quasi personnifiée infusant peu à peu son entourage. « Le truc s’approche, ça ne sent pas, on dirait une image, ça évolue, ça ne reste pas stable, ça ne marche pas non plus, plutôt ça glisse en quelque sorte ». Les voix sont celles des dialogueur-euse-x-s. Ce sont aussi les voix d’Anna Meschiari qui se mêlent à celles des conférencières qui ont traversé l’histoire du Club 44, comme la biologiste Kitty Ponse en 1953 ou l’astrologue Elizabeth Teissier en 1980, qu’elle a captées lors de ses recherches et incorporé dans sa pièce sonore.« 010000X010010000000 ».
La répétition et la déclinaison de motifs, dans un ensemble architectural dans lequel design, arts graphiques et textiles se répondent, font partie de la manière dont le Club 44 a été repensé dès 1957. Son identité visuelle corporate et ses variations de logo cohérentes proviennent largement des pratiques de communication alors en vigueur dans l’industrie horlogère de La Chaux-de-Fonds. Anna Meschiari complète sa proposition avec un large papier peint aux éclats métalliques et offre une version renouvelée, intemporelle, moins définitive et pourtant familière d’un motif multiplié et décliné. Une systématique qui entre en résonnance avec celle des programmes de conférences des années 1950-1970 conservés méthodiquement par l’institution.
À travers son installation l’artiste propose non seulement une relecture de l’espace architectural et de ses composantes mais elle réinterprète également les gestes et modes opératoires qui l’ont prédéterminé. Anna Meschiari tisse sa trame à partir d’éléments composites mêlant pièces d’archive de l’institution ou de la région, mais aussi fractions de textes, textiles, sons et images existants ou qui auraient pu exister. Leur imbrication lui permet de glisser vers la fiction, vers une vision futuriste du lieu et de ses archives en devenir. Elle nous invite à revoir notre conception non seulement des espaces et de leur histoire mais aussi celle du temps. Plus qu’une narration, c’est une composition que l’artiste nous livre. L’exposition Les dialogueur.euse.x.s colle aux murs du Club 44 et fait corps avec l’identité du lieu, en toile de fond. Elle prend sa place pour devenir le nouveau support des paroles à venir. Elle est l’œuvre dont nous retrouverions la trace aujourd’hui.
Texte de Marie DuPasquier / DISPLAY
[1] Romanelli, Marco, Renata Bonfanti Tessere la gioia / Weaving joy, Milano : Electa, 2021, p. 13
[2] Bassanelli Michela, “Éloge de l’étoffe”: le design intérieur et ses femmes (1923-1957) cite Ottolini, Gianni, La Stanza, Milan : Silvana Editoriale, coll. « Casamiller », 2010, p. 11
[3] La Polychromie Architecturale est un outil de conception de la couleur architecturale composé de 63 nuances définies par Le Corbusier en 1931 et en 1959.
L’exposition bénéficie du soutien de la Bibliothèque de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds, Oertli Stiftung, Stiftung Erna und Curt Burgauer, Agapecasa, Falsarella décoration, Casino Neuchâtel, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Julien Dubois Architectes.
"Refresh, refresh
Direi qualcosa di autentico, et pourquoi pas en deuxième plan.
L’architecture selon lui avait une fonction au service de la vérité. C’est tout.
Ah oui, c’est peut-être ça. C’est dans une sorte d’à-peu-près, il faut se donner des contraintes
pour pouvoir reconstruire les filiations des dialogueur.euse.x.s
Oui, construisons une filiation, Kitty l’avait vu, l’avait expérimenté́ sur une grenouille. C’était bizarre.
C’était vraiment une autre époque, les dialogueur.euse.x.s n’avaient pas encore découvert les autres trucs."
It all began with a list of fabrics and the mention of tende “opalina”, found during a research trip. With its slightly faded paper and timeless logo, the note indicates a collaboration between Italian textile designer Renata Bonfanti and architect Angelo Mangiarotti for the new interiors of Club 44. Though seemingly of lesser value than other documents such as plans or contracts, this archive is nonetheless a component of this story: that of relations between Northern Italy and La Chaux-de-Fonds in the 1950s and 1960s, set against a backdrop of innovative effervescence; that of the connections between representatives of different disciplines, who considered space, light, interior design, and furniture as a coherent whole (1). The note informs about the material chosen for Club 44’s curtains, but it also raises questions and highlights the inherent gaps in knowledge of preserved documents.
Anna Meschiari settles into these interstices. She works with existing narrative threads as much as with their cuts and the ellipses formed by time, for their potential of projection, fantasy and the opening up of possible conjectures. The artist infiltrates the Club 44’s archives and takes over the premises with her installation Les dialogueur.euse.x.s. It articulates textile, wall and sound pieces, paper and audiovisual archives. Anna Meschiari doesn’t fill in the gaps, she recomposes.
Long, thin textiles, suspended 6 meters high by the artist, adorn the perimeter of the room. Curtains have covered the building’s large windows since its origin in 1912 and have absorbed the words of almost 2,800 conferences, ensuring fluid continuity between inside and outside. The artist reappropriates this “lining” (2) of the architecture, while the texture and tonalities stand out from those of the direct environment. Her color chart distances itself from the investigated Architectural Polychromy opting instead for eclectic shades, elaborated with acrylics, ranging from earthy to acidic tones, softened by dilution. Anna Meschiari’s 30-metre cheesecloth and the repeated and backlit silkscreen code replay industrial appearances. Yet the hangings seem to convey a new intimacy, redefining the substance of this interior.
“ 010000X010010000000… ” By listening carefully, one might distinguish the code before it blends in with the voices of the sound piece being broadcast, before it becomes a quasi-personified entity gradually infusing its surroundings. “The thing comes closer, it doesn’t feel like it, it looks like an image, it evolves, it doesn’t stay stable, it doesn’t work either, it’s more like it glides in a way”. The voices are those of the dialogueur.euse.x.s. They are also Anna Meschiari’s voices, mingling with those of women lecturers who have marked the Club 44’s history, such as biologist Kitty Ponse in 1953 or astrologer Elizabeth Teissier in 1980, that she captured during her research and incorporated into her sound piece. “ 010000X010010000000.”
The repetition and variation of patterns, in an architectural ensemble in which design, graphic and textiles arts respond to each other, are part of the way Club 44 was redesigned back in 1957. Its corporate identity and coherent logo versions derived largely from the communication techniques then prevalent in the watchmaking industry of La Chaux-de-Fonds. Anna Meschiari completes her proposal by adding a large wallpaper with metallic reflections, delivering a renewed, timeless, non-definitive yet familiar version of a multiplied and wide-ranging motif. This systematic approach resonates with that of the conference programs from the 1950s-1970s, methodically preserved by the institution.
Through her installation, the artist offers not only a re-reading of the architectural space and its components, but also a reinterpretation of the gestures and operating modes that predetermined it. Anna Meschiari weaves her fabric from composite elements that combine archival material from the institution or the region, as well as bits of text, textiles, sound and images that already exist or could have existed. Their interweaving allows her to slip into fiction, into a futuristic vision of the place and its archives in the making. She invites us to reconsider not only our conception of spaces and their history, but also that of time. More than a narrative, the artist delivers a composition. The exhibition Les dialogueur.euse.x.s adheres to the walls of Club 44, forming an integral part of the site’s identity. It takes its place to become the support for new dialogues to come. It is the artwork of which we would find traces today.
Text by Marie DuPasquier / DISPLAY
(1) Romanelli, Marco, Renata Bonfanti Tessere la gioia / Weaving joy, Milano : Electa, 2021, p. 13
(2) Bassanelli Michela, “Éloge de l’étoffe”: le design intérieur et ses femmes (1923-1957) cite Ottolini, Gianni, La Stanza, Milan : Silvana Editoriale, coll. « Casamiller », 2010, p. 11
The exhibition is kindly supported by Bibliothèque de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds, Oertli Stiftung, Stiftung Erna und Curt Burgauer, Agapecasa, Falsarella décoration, Casino Neuchâtel, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Julien Dubois Architectes.
Installation views © Sebastien Verdon
Flying Carpet — 2023
Centre de documentation Bob Calle - Carré d'Art, Musée d'art contemporain de Nîmes
Fibrilles — 2022 - 2023
Musée départemental du Textile, Labastide-Rouairoux
Shaker of the Universe — 2018 - 2021
DRESSING, Blauer Montag, Toulouse, 2021 – solo show, curator : Stefania Meazza
Ogni pensiero vola — 2020
Installation in public space, Viterbe, Tarn, France, October 2020
Residency AFIAC "Revenir au monde", 12 - 23 October 2020 – curator : Antoine Marchand
Crafted Augmented Reality — 2018
Two pillars of the Asilo Sant'Elia wrapped by one meter high clear sheet.
Capsule — 2018
In the continuity of my preoccupations around alterity, I have conceived a capsule as a device ready to be sent into space, to meet possible beings from elsewhere.
The "Pages Blanches" book n° 11, in its unaltered version, has been encapsulated and welded in stainless, waiting to come into contact with another environment. Only the photographs taken during the welding process testify of the existence of the book in its capsule. "Pages Blanches" thus becomes a double projection medium giving space to the probable beings from elsewhere to discover this object and to appropriate it in their own way. Will they only have the idea of forcing the opening, or will they just observe it or will they perhaps make a ready-made alien version?
© Paul Hyde
AHAH — 2017 - 2018
Solo show at PAC Aussillon, 12/01 - 16/03/2018 – curator : Françoise-Aline Blain
Are We Alone? — 2015 - 2018
As would an entomologist, the photographer Anna Meschiari has been working hard to find rare specimens to fill her drawers. She selects and collects iconographical material in an almost encyclopeadic manner, in an attempt to master the multiplicity of meanings and representations of a word. Her collection grows out of books, archives of libraries and museums sources, but also comes from the infinite database of the web. Elsewhere, the Other, these words which resonate in our imagination as much as in the research geared towards to the exploration of distant and parallel times and territories. Science and fiction call up, nourish and meet each other in the scientific imagination whose medias are particularly fit for our projections, fantasies and desires to understand the unknown. The presence of an elsewhere remains for us intangible in space and time. Though no trace is left, these apparitions give way to a profusion of testimonies, attempts to describe UFOs, confidential files about alien life or Hollywood movies which seem to join sometimes in this grey zone between fiction and reality. The material of Anna Meschiari is inexhaustible and malleable. Whether visual or literary, illustration, newspaper clipping, or evidences, she takes possession of it for her own investigative artistic practice. Her study is guided by the relations between images and words, the representation and its legend. Through manipulation and misuse of these extracts of information and of these stereotypes, she attempts to sketch out this absence, its invented traces and most importantly our relation to unknown. (Marie DuPasquier / DISPLAY, Berlin)
with the kind support of Kosmos Kultur Stiftung - Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council - Repubblica e Canton Ticino, SWISSLOS - Mulhouse Biennial of Photography - DISPLAY, Berlin - Green Hill Gallery, Berlin
Atlas — 2014
"Atlas is the name of the well known Titan that carried the heaven on his shoulders.
It is also the name of the vertebra that supports the skull, one of the craters of the Moon, a satellite of Saturn, the largest butterfly of the world, a bodybuilder, a pizza, a condom, a car radio, a chain of mountains, of the well known work of Gerhard Richter,…
Things and beings, places and works of art, by the name of Atlas through the world are countless – and more the images representing it circulating on the Internet. Some have retain me. A collection took shape. But what to a such a profusion? Titanic task… as infinite.
My approach is that of an iconographer, archivist and collector, looking for a possible reading of the world through the multitude of images today to our scope. The realization, by printing, of the images known until that point as virtual one, changed their status. The materialized images reappropriated, acquires a new life. The reappropriation of the images (their processing, their arrangement) allows to resemble the one to the other and gives them lines, a common form, an air of family.
An ephemeral display, as grid, reflects the creative process. It represents how the image collection was made and witnessed. It evokes the navigation on the ocean of web. The time dimension gives here the temporal extent of this undertaking. Appalling to the proportions of the Internet, at its disproportionate memory, an answer emerges, that of access to human scale, the story of an individual.
The exposed images interact with each other, in a narrative that is reminiscent, in a wink, to the Mnemosyne Atlas of Aby Warburg. If the display suggests the collection, a set of books, as extension, allows a neat picked, personal and singular. Atlas gives its name to many things through the World that the latter, in its broad widths, appears everywhere affected by this appellation. Therefore, the impression of universality closes this project to a imaginary mapping, or an atlas (or parody?) and raises the question of global sharing images.
Atlas can contemplate the vault that he carries – a possible constellation, subjective, among many others."